objective reality
英 [əbˈdʒektɪv riˈæləti]
美 [əbˈdʒektɪv riˈæləti]
- This is an objective reality and a historical fact.
这是客观的存在,历史的事实。 - Marriage is an objective reality a covenantal union of husband and wife that it is the duty of the law to recognize and support for the sake of justice and the common good.
婚姻是一个客观现实,是丈夫和妻子的盟约联合;而法律的职责就是,为了正义和公共利益,承认并支持这个现实。 - Subjectivism means proceeding not from objective reality and from what is actually possible, but from subjective wishes.
主观主义就是不从客观实际出发,不从现实可能性出发,而是从主观愿望出发。 - Everything outside of the mind is objective reality.
除了我们的思想以外,一切都是客观现实。 - Heidegger's rejection of the subject-object," I-it "duality leads him to the position of denying that meaning is fixed in a text which would be to affirm its objective reality.
海德格尔对主体-客体或“我-它”这类二元论的拒绝使他否认意义由文本确定并从文本获得其客观真实性。 - But we point out that, in the absence of certain definite conditions, quick victory is something that exists only in one's mind and not in objective reality, and that it is a mere illusion, a false theory.
但是我们指出,没有一定的条件,速胜只存在于头脑之中,客观上是不存在的,只是幻想和假道理。 - In the final analysis, wrong and one-sided thinking is caused by the separation of subjective thinking from objective reality.
偏差和片面性的产生,说到底,是主观认识脱离了客观实际。 - Marx, engels, Lenin and Stalin have taught us that it is necessary to study conditions conscientiously and to proceed from objective reality and not from subjective wishes;
马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林教导我们认真地研究情况,从客观的真实的情况出发,而不是从主观的愿望出发; - Not all of our dreams can come true, and we must realize and accept the objective reality as it is.
不是我们所有的梦想都能成为现实。我们必需认识到这一点并接受这个客观事实。 - My emotions accurately reflect objective reality.